
Keith Adrian Bannister

Certifier number:
Authorisation status:
Authorisation start:
Authorisation expiry:
+64 27 403 1842

Authorised to issue certificates for

Approved Filler (Gas Cylinders)
Approved fillers of gas cylinders [Regulation 15.66, Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017]
Conditions: The certification of approved fillers is limited to refrigerant classified as 2.1.1A, 2.1.1B hazardous substances and non-hazardous refrigerant gases.
The certification of approved fillers does not include ammonia.

Conditions that apply for this authorisation

  • Mr Bannister must perform the functions of a compliance certifier in an objective manner that promotes safety.
  • Mr Bannister must remain a fit and proper person throughout the period of this authorisation.